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Art and Fiction: 3 Brilliant Novels About Artists

There are many books about great artists, both nonfiction biographies and novels. Type a similar query into Google and it will give you hundreds of recommendations.

I want to talk about only three today. And you can add your recommendations in the comments. But only those that you actually read.

Modigliani the prince

The cover of this book seems to have been featured by most fashion bloggers. A tormented artist, a drunken genius, a lover of women - there is no shortage of information about the life of Amedeo Modigliani. Modi (his nickname in France, homonym maudit, meaning "unhappy"). This is not just another biography. Angelo Longoni himself calls his book a "biographical novel", and although he played the role of a biographer in his careful research, he then took facts, people, true stories, professional and personal successes and failures, adding a modicum of imagination where necessary, and reconstructed Modigliani's life, from birth to death, in all its depth and complexity. The narrative is a mosaic of first-person voices: we plunge into the mind of Modigliani himself, as well as his intelligent and supportive mother Eugenie, his girlfriend and lover Kiki de Montparnasse, the Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova and many other famous people of that time. The result is a comprehensive, entertaining and profound study of the psychology of a very talented man who knew from a very young age that his life would be short.

Irving Stone Lust for Life, Van Gogh biographies

Yes, this is a classic best-selling biographical novel about the life of Vincent van Gogh that was published in 1934. But for me, this book is associated with summer, village, a folding bed in the garden under a tree and a bowl of gooseberries.

When there were no mobile phones, reading at least 5 books during the holidays was the most common thing for a teenager.

This novel is the story of a brilliant artist and a madman. His story: a dramatic life, a feverish love for the highest-born women, and for the lowest prostitutes, his paintings for which he was damned before being hailed as a genius. The novel takes us from the desperate days in a coal mine in the south of Belgium to the dazzling years in the south of France, where he knew the most brilliant artists. Finally, he shows us Van Gogh, distraught, tragic and triumphant at the same time.

Girl with pearl earring book

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracey Chevalier

I don't know which is better: the movie or the book. First I watched the brilliant acting by Colin Firth, Scarlett Johansson and Cillian Murphy. The film received three Oscar nominations and two Golden Globe nominations.

The Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracey Chevalier is a poignant, sensual and gripping novel about the 17th century Netherlands that combines historical art and fiction. Tracey Chevalier fleshes out and embellishes the story of who the girl in the painting by Johannes Vermeer could be.

In the novel, her name is Greta, she is 16 years old and becomes a maid for the Vermeers. One of Greta's duties is to clean the artist's studio. The fact is that when she was cleaning, she was used to putting all things in their usual places, so that it would be more convenient for her blind father, and the artist needed just such a servant for cleaning in his artist's studio: to clean, but not move the objects.

Vermeer decides to paint a portrait of Greta. To do this, he asks her to take off her cap. And she never takes it off in front of other people, because it is believed that women with simple hair are fallen women.

This novel is about failed love, about the process of creativity, about women and, finally, about Delft, a small, toy Dutch town.

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